Five Dead In An Emergency Landing Of A Ukrainian Cargo Plane From Spain (IMAGES)

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Five dead in an emergency landing in Ukraine of a Ukrainian cargo plane from Spain.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, EU and Cooperation does not have, at the moment, evidence that there are victims or injured of Spanish nationality in the emergency landing of a cargo plane from Vigo in the Ukrainian city of Lviv. In the event five people have died.

Five dead in an emergency landing in Ukraine of a Ukrainian cargo plane from Spain

A Foreign spokesman has indicated that this is, for the moment, the preliminary information that comes from official sources. However, the Spanish Embassy in Kiev is in contact with local authorities to try to find out if there are affected Spaniards.

Five dead in an emergency landing in Ukraine of a Ukrainian cargo plane from Spain

At least five people have died in an emergency landing in the town of Lviv, in eastern Ukraine, of a plane carrying Antonov AN-12 from a Ukrainian airline that had taken off hours before the airport of Vigo (Spain), according to Ukrainian authorities have informed.

Five dead in an emergency landing in Ukraine of a Ukrainian cargo plane from Spain

“During the charter flight UKL4050, an An-12 # UR-CAH aircraft of the Ukraina Aeroalians company, which was flying from Vigo (Spain) to Lviv with seven crew members and a passenger on board, landed emergency on the ground in the Sokólniki village near the airfield, Ukrainian Transport Minister Vladislav Krikli has reported in a message posted on his Facebook page.

Five dead in an emergency landing in Ukraine of a Ukrainian cargo plane from Spain

AENA sources have reported that the cargo aircraft took off from the Spanish airport of Vigo at 0.14 on this Friday. At first, the Ukrainian minister had assured that the incident had resulted in three fatalities, three injured and two missing but later modified the balance of the air incident to confirm that there are five dead, without giving more details about the rest of the people .

Five dead in an emergency landing in Ukraine of a Ukrainian cargo plane from Spain

The head of Transport of Ukraine has said that the plane has been forced to make an emergency landing after it ran out of fuel when it planned to reach Lviv. 

In the place of the air accident, troops from the emergency and rescue services have been deployed. Channel 112 has indicated that the plane had as its final destination Istanbul and that it disappeared from the radars shortly before stopping in Lviv, where it was going to refuel.

Five Dead In An Emergency Landing Of A Ukrainian Cargo Plane From Spain1

The emergency landing site in western Ukraine of an AN-12 Antonov cargo plane from a Ukrainian company that had taken off hours before the Spanish city of Vigo – UKRAINE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT

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Source: Europa Press